
Your Past and Future in Your Present topnotch site

Our unique first character [ mile 46 ]

Please think that  we only can have  a “relation”  with ourselves, one-self  and  we only have  anassociation with  the world  around   us, never  a  relation. This  distinction  between  one word  and the other  appears  very  simple but it is not.  It makes  a  mammoth  difference  if  try  to  use  both  as the same. I suggest that you go to the four character position before evaluated one by one.

First character:

In the graphic  the  yellow circle is our Inner Universe, “myself”  the  large yellow circle the Natural Universe, the “world”  The green lines are  the unique and personal  information  we input  and  exchanged  between  our  Inner Universe  with the  Natural Universe. 

People  who personify  the first character  have a healthy relationship with themselves and a balanced association with the world. They invest their energy to reach goals and objectives, working to obtain what they want from life.

People who fall in this category have a clear understanding of who they are and they project it to the world. Their Inner and Natural Universes are in sync and they use their existential structure to understand themselves and others.

They know who they are, where they come from, and where they going. We describe them as having integrity, a strong personality or character, and  “being real”. They do what they say they are going to do and they say what they mean





From myself, a solitary admission to you [ mile 45 ]

I celebrate that right now you and I have our time and space parallel. According  to WP ”  my followers”  today are  xx 
My  admittance  is that you have to know  that one by one  I value you more,  here and now,  than  hundred   “friends”   from  prosaic  and  dull  internet  websites  connected  all  and  sundry  to  nowhere.

I am thinking  I  will  plan with some of you a reunion in some place and some time to change  thoughts, dreams, purpose , and  cheerfulness  talk  direct  each other.  It  doesn’t  matter  our  personal  situation  or position could be in our reunion.  It is more central  that today and  not tomorrow  all  we here together  in the present  in this  Planet  as part  of  an  overwhelming  Cosmos, why to wait ?


Ok , now lets go  and  fly ourselves  kite   all  the  the  way  to  the  place  we  want to be. seeya